fub free

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Welcome and thanks for checking out my blocklist, whether it be in good faith or to start some shit :)

As the name might suggest, you will find all the things here I will block anyone for. Whether it be cause it triggers me, because it is morally wrong, or simply cause it annoys me.

Everything listed below should link to a short explanation, so please click on it. Especially if you're confused as to why


Usual "do not interact" criteria


Support for awful people


truscum / transmed and terfs


vixenamoric / todamoric


Longsword lesbian / battleaxe bisexual


trixic / toric




Jacksepticeye / Gab Smolders


She/her Chihiro & she/her Naoto


Loli-con / shota-con / "sib-con"


Unironically using "anti", "pro-ship", or "fanpol", as well as being a "proud fujoshi"


spamming fancams




bi- / pan-lesbians


erasing minority representation


shipping real life people


just generally being a dickhead


certain fandoms


all lives / blue lives matter


X usual "do not interact" criteria x
Homophobia, transphobia, racism and any other kinds of bigotry. be an asshole, catch that block


X support for awful people x
Trump : if you ask me why Trump is bad you are either delusional and/or rich of privilege. I'll throw hands if you agree with anything that he stands for. Bye ๐Ÿ‘‹

jk Rowling : I'm sorry if Harry Potter was your childhood but jkr is a horrible transphobic person denying people their rights and getting trans folks killed with her distorted worldview

Pewdiepie : before you come for me immediately, I've been a fan of Felix for the longest time; long into the nazi/racism accusations and I've defended him with tooth and nail, but I've been disappointed by him over and over. he does not change

cryaotic & mandopony : I'm lumping these two together cause they're both disgusting pedophiles and groomers. They've both been proven to have engaged in (sexual-suggestive) relationships with underaged fans and cheated on their partners. goddammit I loved them, fuck you guys ๐Ÿ’”

projared : you might've heard about this one but he basically did the exact same thing as Cry and Mando, only difference is I never cared for this pedo (in the same vein, I will also block holly Conrad / commander holly supporters)

jontron : he's just a fucking racist, get over it. And he also tried to hit on Suzy, a married woman, so like.. He's clearly an ass

keemstar : does this one even need an explanation? Lol

notch : this transphobic and antisemitic piece of shit should've stayed deactivated. Hatsune miku made Minecraft anyways

dream : he said slurs he cannot reclaim. He's racist, antisemitic and just an all around ass. In light of recent events also with a slight pedo vein. Also i singled out dream but there are so many fucked up people on mcyt. Just don't support these shits

This list is ever growing and there are many more people I'd block you for, some of these are just very personal to me


X truscum / transmed & terfs x
Truscum & transmed are terms for people who say dysphoria is a necessity to identify as trans, which is wrong since you only need to not identify with your birth gender to be trans, and maybe some gender euphoria, and they invalidate any nonbinary identity as well. People like this often criticize "non-passing" trans folk cause they're bootlickers craving cis approval

Terf is an acronym standing for trans-exclusionary radical feminist (tho I think feminism appropriating radical transphobe fits a whole lot better) and as the name says they're mostly cis white women (not all, but many) saying trans women aren't women, and call that feminism. Tho you might often see that their "feminism" doesn't include bipoc, disabled, gnc and "not conventionally feminine" women. and feminism that doesn't include all women is no feminism at all, they're all just transphobic scumbags hiding behind a big word


X vixenamoric & todamoric x
Both of these are nb-phobic terms created for "women exclusively attracted to women" and "men exclusively attracted to men". They were coined to keep he/him and they/them lesbians as well as she/her gays out of wlw and mlm spaces. They are extremely transphobic and by making nonbinary a kind of "third gender" also very harmful and invalidating to many nonbinary identities. Not to mention they also ignore the lgbt+ history they love to cite so often


X longsword lesbians & battleaxe bis x
Longsword lesbian is just a fancy way to say vixenamoric. They exclude he/him and they/them lesbians from their lesbianism because they think pronouns = gender

Battleaxe bisexuals is a group that claims pansexuality "does not exist" or that it's bi- and transphobic, which it isn't. Pansexual doesn't replace bisexual, it doesn't claim Trans as a third gender and it doesn't say that bi excludes nonbinary. It simply is an add-on to bisexual for people who don't feel like bi fits the way they see gender and which ever you identify with is valid, as long as you're not battleaxe (or harm others)


X trixic & toric x
First off, if you're nonbinary and identify as trixic or toric, you are valid and I'm not coming for you.

That being said however, if you police nonbinary people and say they have to use these terms you are being incredibly transphobic (no matter if you're cis, trans or nonbinary yourself).

Trixic and toric are terms referring to nonbinary people attracted to women and nonbinary people attracted to men. I don't know who coined them but I've seen them mainly used by the vixen community to invalidate nb-lesbians.

These terms can be very harmful to a large portion of nonbinary identities by implying that nonbinary is a single monolithic third gender, which excludes genderfluid, polygender and binary-aligned people (and many more I'm probably forgetting, sorry!!)

Nonbinary people can use gay, straight or lesbian as they want. we don't need to adhere to your bullshit binary rules


X exclus x
"exclus", exclusionists, exclusionary twitter, whatever they wanna call themselves, is a part of the lgbt+ community that polices and excludes anything that isn't strictly L, G or binary T from the community.

The most prominent victim are asexual people. I'm so sorry to tell you, aces and aros are so goddamn lgbt, you don't even know. Even if they're cis or "hetero". My queer ace ass is gonna die on this hill xoxo

Then there's the pansexuals, "who don't exist" according to exclus, but fuck em, all you pan people are valid and lgbt+ as fuck!

Every gender identity that is not binary has to use they/them if you believe these shitheads.
I'm sorry to disappoint y'all but she/he nonbinary people are amazing, trans people who use gender nonconforming pronouns are amazing, cis people who experiment with their pronouns are amazing, cause pronouns don't equal gender, they're only a part of gender expression.
And if you use xenogenders or neopronouns, you're one of the most badass motherfuckers out there, keep doing you!! <3


X Jacksepticeye & Gab Smolders x
I've been (and somewhat still am) a huge fan of Seรกn, but recently I've felt very disconnected from him. He felt more and more disingenuous and corporate. Seeing him on my tl makes me extremely uncomfortable and his fandom is just a huge pile of toxic

Gab Smolders or GirlGamerGab or Evelyn or Seรกn's (as of writing this, current) girlfriend or whatever name you know her as, on the other hand is a whole ass racist. She made racist comments in her videos, people want her to apologize, she never did. I don't know how much Seรกn knows about it, but this is part why I started to dislike him


X she/her Chihiro and she/her Naoto x
This point is about Chihiro Fujisaki from danganronpa 1 and Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4, so I guess spoilers for both games.

Chihiro is introduced to the game as a girl, but in their trial the cast finds out they're amab. Their reason for crossdressing is that "they're too weak to be a boy". They themself state that they're not comfortable being referred to as girl. While I agree that Chihiro's story is extremely transphobic and misogynistic, it is not necessarily a story about being trans. If you see Chihiro as a trans girl and use she/her for them, that's totally fine!! I know they're a comfort for many trans people, but i think harassing others for not doing the same is wrong. I use they/she/he pronouns for them (favorite headcanon is actually he/him trans girl and she/her gay Chihiro), if that makes you uncomfortable, please block me

Naoto on the other hand is introduced as a boy and their story is about coming to terms with not being feminine or girly. The entire point for them is that it's okay to identify differently, be a boy. But atlus said sike!! We don't do gay/trans rep and made them forcibly admit that they're a cis girl through romancing the mc. As with Chihiro, no hate if you're casual about she/her Naoto, but harass people for trans Naoto headcanons and you'll catch these hands. I use exclusively they/he pronouns for Naoto (and as you might guess I'm an advocate for gay/bi Kanji too)


X lolicon, shotacon, sibcon x
Lolicon refers to being attracted to little anime girls, Shotas are little anime boys. It's just pedophilia, no way 'round it. If you come with "it's just a drawing" you definitely don't know how normalization or online grooming works. Child porn is child porn, no matter if it's real or drawn.

Sibcon means sibling complex, love between brother and sister (or any other configuration of family)... Like just call it what it is, fucking incest. Stop the fucking inbreeding all you Alabama bastards.
Yes, this also counts for adopted or found family. Sex within familial bonds is hella abusive, get it through your thick skulls


X anti, pro-ship, fanpol, and proud fujoshis x
"anti" means anti/against abusive ships, such as pedophilia or incest. "pro-ship" means pro/for abusive ships, such as pedophilia or incest. "fanpol" or fandom police means people that call out abusive ships, such as pedophilia or incest. It just is what it is, if you use these terms you're a fucking creep and I hope you run into someone's fist, hard

Fujoshi is a Japanese word and in fandom circles refers to a woman who fetishize relationships between gay men (the male equivalent is fudanshi). They sexualize male characters in gay ships, often also being homophobic and calling their doing "sinful", or hating any woman coming near their "little uwu gay baby boys". Please, I beg of you, go outside, learn about actual gay people, gay men aren't all about sex ffs


X fancam spam x
If I see you somewhere like "oomf hide this!!", it's on sight. I don't care if it's kpop or not, there are barely any fancams I don't block (especially since most of them are ugly as fuck, at least make them slap lmao)


X fatshaming x
We're not all unhealthy. Health is not an indicator of value and worth. Mind your own damn business. Shit on my folks and I'll crush you between my thick thighs (and if you fetishize fat people, I'll hit you with a goddamn brick)


X bi lesbians & pan lesbians x
As inclusive as I am in my lgbt+ views, the label bi/pan lesbian hurts so many identities.

Bi/pan lesbians is used by people who are mainly attracted to women, but also nonbinary people and some even men.

These labels hurt the lesbian community by implying they could be attracted to men, and the term lesbian itself already includes nonbinary identities that are woman-aligned.

It's biphobic by implying that bisexual people can't have a preference without having to put on another label. If you're a bi woman with a preference for women and want to specifically label that, you're free to use sapphic or wlw :)

If you think you're pan and have a preference for women and want a micro-label for that, maybe take a look at omnisexual. Otherwise you're just pan or bi, with a preference

If you want to justify bi/pan lesbians with the split attraction model, you're at the wrong address. I'm ace aro biromantic myself. I'm more familiar with the sam than many people. It's a system for asexual and aromantic people, stop excusing your bullshit with it. If you're attracted to women but also other genders, you're not a lesbian, period.

And if you listen closely to the rhetoric bi/pan lesbians and their supporters use, you notice that it's riddled with transphobia


X erasing representation for minorities x
"blackwashing" is not a thing. If you get angry at people headcanoning characters as gay or trans that's a you problem.

Marginalized groups get so little representation that we make our own with the unlimited supply of white cishets in media. We just want characters to relate to and find comfort in. If someone on the other hand whitewashes a canon poc character or makes a canon lgbt character straight and cis, then that's often done out of malice, with the intent to hurt.

You see, one is done for fun for oneself, the other to antagonize and put down others.


X shipping real life people x
Looking mainly at the kpoppies right now (I know there are other fandoms who do it too, I've seen the rise and fall of septiplier). Please just stop, real human beings aren't your dolls to play with and make headcanons about. It's weird, it's disgusting and it can destroy friendships.

Just. Stop. ๐Ÿคข


X generally being a dickhead x
If you make fun of someone's triggers, of their special interests, of their comfort characters, for the way they type, or because they're using /s /j (or any other kind of tone indicator), fuck you.

If you make fun of their insecurities, their disabilities, of something they can't change, that doesn't harm anyone, something that's none of your business, you're an ass.

If you troll and bait, cause upsetting people is your only personality trait. If your only purpose is to harass and bully, because your parents never properly loved you, just stop. Get a hobby.


X specific fandoms x
hazbin hotel : don't tell me "it's in hell, it's supposed to be bad" no, this is a steaming pile of garbage and pedo zoophile Vivziepop is too. You have a trashbin motel pfp? You're getting blocked, period.

the last of us : this is kinda personal. I don't actually hate everyone who likes the games. It's just that the mere mention of it or any characters triggers me and also Neil Druckmann is a pos

K-pop : kpoppies are on thin fucking ice. y'all are lucky my best friend loves bts and I kinda like the music, Otherwise I'd slap all y'all sexualizing koreaboo bastards into the next century

sports pfp : people with sports players (especially soccer) as their profile pic often have the worst takes, it's incredible ๐Ÿ˜ญ

mcyt/mctwt : most of y'all's little white boys are racist, homo-/ transphobic and ableist as shit (e.g. especially dream, jschlatt, fitz, and just so many more). I don't fuck with anyone defending those crackers


X all lives matter / blue lives matter x
The "all lives matter" hashtag was directly made to counter the black lives matter movement. It was made out of malice and hatred to downplay and degrade blm. It doesn't include black lives, therefore it never was all lives. All lives can only matter when black lives matter ๐Ÿ–ค๐ŸคŽ

Blue lives on the other,, isn't even real?? No one is born a cop, the "discrimination" they get is voluntarily. Don't like it? Stop being a cop.
